Human Resource Management and Development Office

Managing Meetings

In line with the approved Provincial Leaming and Development Plan for C.Y. 2023, the Human Resource Management and Development Office together with the Provincial Learning and Development Team conducted a training entitled “Managing Meetings” last May 30, 2023 at the Center for Excellence in Employee and Organization Development, Palaris Building, Capitol Compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan.

Ms. Christine An Margret Z. Calimlim, Project Development Officer I from the Provincial Tourism and Cultural Affairs Office served as the Subject Matter Expert for the said activity which was attended by Administrative Officers and Program Implementers of the different offices and hospitals of the Provincial Government of Pangasinan.

The activity was conducted to provide participants with practical strategies and techniques to plan, facilitate and optimize meetings for increased productivity and engagement. Throughout the
learning activity, participants explored the fundamental principles of successful meeting management with topics including agenda development, facilitation techniques, communication strategies, decision making processes and follow up actions.