Provincial Health Office

Design Thinking Workshop For the Smarter and Integrated Local Health Information System (SMILHIS) – Pangasinan

The Pangasinan Provincial Health Office together with the Pangasinan Provincial Hospital (PPH), Pangasinan Government’s Hospital Group, and selected health facilities who are part of the pilot implementation sites of the project attended and finished three parts of the Design Thinking Workshop (from March 2023 to May 2023) facilitated by the Ateneo de Manila University- Institute of Philippine Culture.

The workshop serves as guide in the further development of SMILHIS Pangasinan as a svstem tailored for the province, and provide direction for the later implementation of the system to the province’s health facilities.

SMILHIS system, Pangasinan will be able to further seamlessly navigate their referral system between and among health facilities to provide better health service delivery to their constituents. SMILHIS supports the indicators set by the UHC Local Health System Maturity Level for Health Information Systems monitored through theInformation Management System Assessment and Needs Analysis (IMSANA).